
Welcome to SLIM Docs

The SLIM documentation pages are accessible only from GATech (.gatech.edu Internet domain). If you are outside of GATech network, go on GATech VPN first.

Other SLIM sites at GATech:

Newcomers to GATech SLIM

##• GATech SLIM Students and Researchers ##

Follow those steps to get access to resources at GATech:

  1. Make sure to have your GATech Passport credentials (part of either acceptance or hiring process).
  2. Use those credentials to login to GATech Passport to activate your GATech Passport account (password reset and multi-factor authentication).
  3. GATech GitHub:
    1. Use your GATech Passport credentials to login to GATech GitHub to activate your GATech GitHub account,
    2. Send your GATech Passport user id to Mathias Louboutin to add you to SLIM teams.
  4. GATech DropBox (not available to everyone, as it depends on your GATech employment type):
    1. Use your GATech Passport credentials to login to GATech DropBox to activate your GATech DropBox account (you will be informed if you do not qualify),
    2. If your GATech DropBox was approved and activated, contact EAS Helpdesk (via Web or E-mail) to add you to SLIM’s Team Drive EAS-Herrmann-TEAM-Ext,
    3. Important!!!: If you intend to sync GATech DropBox to your computer, make sure to disable, immediately after you start DropBox application on your desktop, syncing of EAS-Herrmann-TEAM-Ext subfolder of the Team Drive. It contains tens of terabytes of data and will flood/crash your computer,
    4. Check notes in DropBox Team Drive.
  5. SLIMcommon DropBox (a small, under 2GB, shared DropBox folder for current collaboration):
    1. Send an e-mail address of the DropBox account which you will sync to your desktop to Mathias Louboutin to get access to this DropBox folder.
  6. Public GitHub:
    1. Create an account at GitHub if you do not have one already,
    2. When you are assigned to take part in private collaborative project with members outside of GATech, send your GitHub user id (not e-mail) to Mathias Louboutin to get access to private SLIM’s repositories.
  7. SLIM mailing list:
    1. Send your GATech e-mail address to Mathias Louboutin to be subscribed to SLIM group mailing list.
  8. SLIM Slack team:
    1. Send your GATech e-mail address to Mathias Louboutin to be subscribed to SLIM’s Slack team.
  9. Amazon AWS (only when/if approved):
    1. Contact Prof. Felix Herrmann to get approval for AWS account,
    2. Send your GATech user ID to Mathias Louboutin to get credentials for your SLIM’s AWS account.
  10. Personal page at Team page:
    1. Team member registration form can be accessed via password-protected page either at SLIM website under menu item Internal->Team Member Registration or via direct link (see below about login credentials).
    2. The login credentials can be found in our GATech DropBox folder in text file Common Credentials. As other team members for help if you do not have DropBox access yet.
    3. Note! After you submit the form, please, use the Log out button at the bottom menu to logout from the submission account.
  11. Software Carpentry: If you are not familiar with the unix computer system, you are highly suggested to learn it from Software Carpentry.

Once you are done with the above, please, browse through this website. It contains quite a bit of information that will make your adjustment to the life at SLIM easier.

##• External Collaborators ##

You may need to have access to SLIM repositories at GATech GitHub. To get one, please:

  1. Contact Prof. Felix Herrmann to obtain a sponsored GATech Passport credentials and approval to access to SLIM’s repositories (either selected or full access).
  2. Use those credentials to login to GATech Passport to activate your GATech Passport account (password reset and multi-factor authentication).
  3. Use your GATech Passport credentials to login to GATech GitHub to activate your GATech GitHub account.
  4. Contact Mathias Louboutin to either add you to SLIM enable access to repositories, depending on privileges approved by Felix.